Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias made a statement on the margins of yesterday’s meeting of the EU General Affairs Council in Luxembourg on migration and energy.

Regarding migration, Kotzias stressed the importance of the non-militarization of migration policy and of securing the cooperation of the Arab countries of North Africa, as well as the need to use all available EU migration policy tools, such as the readmission agreements with countries like Pakistan, including Egypt in the cooperation.

As regards energy issues, he underlined that Greece can become an energy hub which includes all member states of the Western Balkans. He also noted the importance of the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP), as well as the need for the Commission to take further action for the Greece-Bulgaria-Romania corridor, expressing his support for the creation of an East Med pipeline and the enhancement of the capacity of the existing and planned LNG terminals.