Wednesday, July 15, 2015

The ancient theatre of Dodoni is to host its first performance following restoration projects. Dodoni, located south of the city of Ioannina in Epirus, was renowned for its sanctuary, a place of great religious importance to the ancient Greek world, and the second most important oracle after Delfi.

The theatre (3rd century BC) was initially an integral part of the sanctuary and it features a huge cave, shaped into a natural cavity. During Roman times, it underwent alterations and was used as an arena. It is among the largest ancient Greek theatres, accommodating 18,000 spectators. Excavations on site began in 1875 and continued to the 1960s. However, extreme local weather conditions, as well as forty years of receiving visitors took their toll on the monument, and in 2012 restoration works went underway.

The first performance will be of Prometheus Bound, by the Ioannina National Theatre Company, on July 17-19. Moreover, performances shall take place in daylight, to avoid use of technical equipment, while spectators will be limited to 500 only.